Friday, October 23, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Last weekend we took Braxton to his first pumpkin patch! Nana and Papa were down for the weekend and helped Braxton pick out a perfect-sized pumpkin! It was a fun trip with lots of smiles!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

6-month Pictures

Braxton turned 6 months old last week! Wow, where has the time gone! He is all over the place! At half a year he is rolling everywhere, sitting up all on his own, drooling at every possible chance, and babbling like crazy! We took him to JcPenney's in Topeka with his Nana and Papa Odom and had his 6-month pictures taken! He did such a great job!

He even got spoiled by Nana and Papa while at the mall! He got several new outfits and a winter coat! Thanks Mom and Dad! We ate lunch at Red Lobster and Braxton enjoyed chewing on a French fry! He's well on his way to real "people" food! We hope you enjoy looking at his 6-month pictures! We can't wait until they are in so we can mail them out to all of our friends and family!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sitting Up!

Braxton is officially sitting up on his own without assistance! He seems to be enjoying the new view! It won't be long before he's crawling and then walking! Watch out mom and dad!

First Wedding

Braxton attending his first wedding this past weekend. Congratulations Uncle Daniel and Aunt Haley!

Go K-State

Braxton is officially a Wildcat! He went to his first tailgate and first football game two weeks ago! The weather was perfect for the little man! He enjoyed the game and even took a 40 minute nap! I can already tell he's going to bleed the color Purple! Go State!