Sunday, January 8, 2012

A New Year...

Hard to believe it's been nearly an entire year since I've last updated this blog. It makes me sad to see how long I've neglected it, since I truly enjoy blogging and keeping everyone updated with our busy little guy! So I've made it my goal to blog every week! (I attempted this last year and lasted only a week or two) As I reflected on what I wanted my "resolution" to be for this year, I found it odd that I can blog about the kids I teach multiple times each week and that my teacher blog reflects accurately what we are learning and doing each day/week. I want this to be the case for my personal blog too. I want our friends and family to be able to do just that to. goes!

Yep, it's official, our little guy LoVeS donuts, just about as much as his mommy, if not more! :-) A new donut shop opened in downtown Aggieville and we decided to check it out. One word. Amazing. Varsity Donuts, is the name and they thought of everything. They have the glass donut cases, they have every kind of donut imaginable, donut dough for kids to play in, games for kids, books, you name it, they have it.

Braxton's favorite donut is currently a "purple one" as he calls it, known as the K-Stater. He enjoys reading their kid friendly books, playing with the donut dough, and attempting to play Scrabble and Chinese Checkers! He's watched mom and dad play Words with Friends a few too many times, so when he saw the Scrabble board, he wanted to make words! Okay, so they weren't really words...but to him they were and he was naming the letters in each of his "words". It doesn't get better than that literacy wise if you ask me. You have to start somewhere and this kid is definitely into the letter recognition right now! He can also sing his ABCs and loves watching a Leapfrog Letters DVD each night at bedtime....speaking of bedtime, this Letters DVD hasn't happened recently because we've swtiched to bowling...I'll explain next.

Xbox 360 + Kinect
We were very blessed to be given an Xbox 360 and Kinect this year for Christmas as a family gift! My husband and I have played the Wii gaming system a time or two through friends or family, but did not own or typically play games on a gaming console. So we were not sure of how much we would use the Xbox 360 and Kinect at first. However, after only having it a few weeks, any doubts we previously had, are long gone. What a fun and interactive way to get your family moving, playing and laughing together LOTS! Braxton's favorite game by all means is bowling! He loves to get the Pink ball and throw it down the lane. He is getting really good and sure can nail the strikes. Last night he even beat me in bowling! He also enjoys sprinting and long jumping! He still need some practice on the long jumping, as he tends to jump early and lands on the runway instead of the sand. Haha! But have no worries, as a former long jumper in middle and high school, we will get this figured out! He also enjoys rafting and a lion game where he gets to interact with the lions and play games. So our evenings after bath time, have consisted of playing a few of these games prior to bedtime. He sure does enjoy it and is getting good at understanding the whole "sensor" technology!

So I'll end for here now! Until next time!