Sunday, February 7, 2010

Braxton in Hospital for RSV

This past week Braxton was admitted to the hospital for RSV. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's a respiratory syncytial virus. The previous week Braxton had been battling what we thought was the common cold. We thought he had "kicked" after a trip to the doctor where he was as clear as a whistle in his chest. However, on the weekend his breathing became very labored, he began to have coughing fits that lasted hours, and then finally he began wheezing and struggling to breathe. Needless to say, our little man ended up in the ER, and then admitted to the hospital. Since RSV is highly contagious, he was in an isolated room and all guest (except mom and dad) were required to be dressed from head to toe in the special "yellow" gear. Dave and I did not have to get dressed and covered up because we were already "exposed" to the virus.

Braxton spent Mon night through Thurs in the hospital. During this time he was on an IV to help push fluids through his body. This was one of the hardest things for me to see thus far in our son's life. When they were sticking him at 2 am for his IV and his eyes were fixed on mom screaming in pain, with tears rolling down his face, it hurt me so much. However, we knew that this would be the starting point to his recovery. Braxton also began breathing treatments immediately every 4 hours to help with his breathing and wheezing. He was monitored every hour for his vitals and his oxygen levels.

Our time in the hospital was very exhausting for us all. The first few days Braxton didn't do a whole lot. He slept pretty much most of the day and when he was up, it was only for 30-45 minutes at a time. During this time, Braxton also slept on mom and dad, as he would not let us put him down. Braxton became a pro at taking his breathing treatments while sleeping.

Amazingly enough, he also learned to sleep through many of the every hour checkups. It's amazing at how many times people come into your room during the middle of the night to check on you (hence every hour) and that during the day a nurse might pop in two or three times. Is it just me, or shouldn't it be the other way around? Not only that, but another question I have is why is it so necessary to weigh a baby at 4 am when they are asleep! You're probably thinking you've got to be kidding me, but you heard me right!!! Two different nights they wanted to weigh our son at 4 am while he was fast asleep! I had to politely decline this request and asked them to come back when he was awake! Let me remind you that before that 4 am time, he has already had multiple trips into his room by the various hospital staff to give breathing treatments, check his vitals, and etc. Common sense would tell you that weighing a sleeping baby at this time is not a necessity! Okay, so I'm done venting! Those were just a few things that I found rather funny while in the hospital.

During Braxton's time in the hospital we were surrounded by prayers, love and support from our family, friends, and church family. We are very thankful for everyone that stopped by, those that brought us meals, and those that kept us in their prayers constantly. We know that God is the great healer and are thankful that we were able to bring our son home Thurs afternoon. Braxton is slowly getting back to his normal self. He is beginning to get back on his schedule, beginning to eat and drink more, and is back to playing with his toys around the house. We are still continuing breathing treatments at home and will until all of the wheezing in his chest is gone. We are praying for a full and speedy recovery! Thank you again for the Christian love that everyone has poured out to us during this time. We love you all!

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